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Dashboard Overview

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

Chatter collects feedback from your customers using conversations and artificial intelligence. Don't worry, we use the good kind of AI, not the scary take-over-the-world kind. 😉

Chatter's AI collects customer feedback and analyzes it in real-time, displaying the results on your dashboard.

The glossary below breaks down the most important elements of your Dashboard. Please note that your Dashboard may differ slightly from the image below depending on your company's custom presets and your user role.

1. Navigation Bar

The Navigation bar is where you can access the dashboard, edit your profile, select the survey you want to view, and view all other pages available to you.

2. Filters

Filters allow you to view the specific data you want to see. The most commonly used filter is the Date filter, which allows you to select a time frame and view responses for the selected period. The Segment filter allows you to filter your dashboard by the answers to any particular questions in your conversational survey. 

3. Survey Options

The Survey Options button displays a drop-down list of actions that can be made to the survey. The most commonly used feature is the Export feature. Note that exports honor the active filters you have in place.

4. NPS / Satisfaction Score

This tile either displays your NPS (Net Promoter Score) or Customer Satisfaction score. Click the arrow to dive deeper into that data.

5. Engagement Tile

The engagement tile displays how many people have initiated your conversational survey in the given time period. Click the arrow to dive deeper into your engagement data and see how many people completed your conversational survey.

6. Alerts

If enabled, our Alerts System will instantly send you a notification when a customer has a negative experience and wants to be contacted about it. Click the arrow to view your alerts and see what the customer wants to be contacted about.

7. Live Responses

The Live Responses tile shows the most recent and relevant feedback to a particular question selected by your organization.

8. Topics Slider

The Topics slider displays topics being raised by your customers and indicates whether they were positive, negative or neutral in sentiment. Click the "View More" button to see the full list of topics being raised.

The Topics slider also displays your top performing locations and the fastest climbing locations.

9. Question Tiles

Every question in your conversational survey is displayed in its own tile. The graphs displayed within the application vary depending on the question type. The sample size of a particular question is also shown at the bottom right of each tile so that you know how many of your customers are represented in the graph.

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